Move In/Move Out

Move In/Move Out

Living and Dining area

  • Vacuum, mop and dry all hard floor surfaces
  • All ceiling fans cleaned
  • Cleaning inside windows, seal and blinds
  • All baseboards are wiped down
  • Spot clean doors and frames
  • Cobwebs removed
  • General dusting in all areas


  • Your bathtubs and tile walls are cleaned and disinfected
  • Shower, shower doors and walls are cleaned and disinfected
  • All mirrors are cleaned and shined
  • The sinks and countertops are cleaned and disinfected
  • Your toilet is clean and disinfected
  • All fixtures are disinfected, cleaned and shined
  • We wipe down inside and outside your cabinets, drawers and cabinet faces
  • General dusting in all areas


  • Your kitchen sinks are scrubbed, disinfected and shined
  • All countertop appliances are cleaned
  • Your refrigerator interior & exterior cleaned and wiped down
  • Your oven and microwave interior and exterior cleaned and wiped down
  • Kitchen countertops are cleaned and disinfected
  • The outside and inside of your cabinets and cabinet faces and doors are wiped down
  • Your trash is emptied

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